An open letter to the one I lost forever.

Two years, it has been two depressing years since cancer took you away from me.

The memories are still fresh and I haven’t found the courage yet to let it all go, both the good and the bad. I still find myself in tears re-reading our old conversations and those happy times we once shared kept on sneaking in from time to time. It seems like every word you said to me was etched in my memory.

There are days I feel okay like I’m not sad anymore but loneliness has its way to remind me of the pain.

I hope you see me now, I think I’m doing good despite it all. Well, what else should I do but to face it and continue living. It has been tough without you but knowing you are no longer in pain, makes things somewhat bearable.

I hope you are happy and at peace wherever you are. I will always love you.

Missing you always my love.


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